Montag, 29. April 2013

Tajin - Moroccan Dish with Chicken


Recently i was traveling through Morocco, and inspired of the old traditional dishes. I had to do it myself. In the picture on the top there are all the fresh ingredients i used for the chicken tajine.
What i learnd quite fast, when you cook in morocco it takes hours, so take your time for this you need 6 hours.


Olive oil
2 onions
6 gloves of garlic
2 tomatoes
3 carrots
2 zuccini
2 green chilis
3 potatoes
2 handful of peas
10 prunes
5 spoons of chickpeas
1 whole chicken (with liver, heart and kidney)
fresh parsley and coriander
1 inserted lemon (you can use fresh lemonjuice instead)
Tajine mixture of spices (Cayenne pepper, turmeric, coriander, cumin, black cumin, pepper, fenugreek seeds, pepper, allspice, mustard seeds, chillies, ginger, fennel, garlic, cardamom)
olives and bread to serve.

For cooking you definitely need a steaming pot.

First you chop all the vegtables in not too tiny pieces because you will cook them for a long time, you dont want them to fall apart.
Then cut the chicken and put a lot of the tajine mixture of spices, salt and oil on the chicken. Let the chicken rest for about 2 hours so it is able to absorb the taste.
Now cover the ground of the steaming pot with fresh parsley and put the chicken pices(withot the offals) on top, like on the next picture.

Boil up the water, and start steaming the chicken. (with lid) This will take at least 3 hours better 6;).
Check every hour, if there is still water in the pot, if not add more.

Start with this section after 4 hours of steaming the chicken.

First sear the chopped onions, garlic, offals, one of the chilis and tajine spices for about 5 minutes n oil.
Then add some chicken soup from the steaming pot and boil it.

Add the vegtables in this order, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, zuccini.

It depends how you want the vegtables i added them 30 minutes before the chicken was finished.
You also can add them 1 hour before. Only the pumpkin should no be cooked longer than 15 minutes.

Best serving in a traditional Tajine pot with fresh coriander, olives, prunes, fresh bread and Moroccan Tea.


Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Shaman Tea from Costa Rica

Once while traveling throug costa rica, i was very ill and i met a young shaman, he aksed me if he should come to my place and make a tea for me which will cure my illness.
I was sick of beeing ill so i was happy for this opportunity, he went to a shop and bought all these ingredients and made this tea for me, i was feeling very good afterwards and after one day i was cured. ;)
So if you have a flue, cough or a cold this will help your body to kill the bacterias, you will heat up and sweat all the bad stuff out.
Also the honey is good for your throat, the lime gives you vitamin C.

This tee also will keep you warm during winter and strenghten your immune system.


1 liter of water
6 Spoons of grated ginger
a half hand of fresh mint
4 spoons of honey
juice of one fresh lime

boil up the water

add the grated ginger and bloil it for 30 secounds

then sieve the ginger out of the water, because all the good things are already in the tea, if you cook it longer the will disapear,

if you want the tea stronger add first 6 spoons ginger cook in for about 4 minutes and then add another 4 spoons for 30 secounds.

add the fresh mint the honey and the fresh limejuice

mix it and enjoy

Moroccan Tea

Green Tea is also very good for your body because it is full of polyphenoles and they are free radicals which destroys bad cells and slow down their growth. So it is preventive for cancer.

Dont drink now one cup of green tea after the other, like always if you hyperbolism its bad for your liver, more than 5 cups a day are too much.


1 Liter of water
4 Spoons of chinese green Tea
a handfull of fresh mint
4 Spoons of sugar

Boil up the water and add the green Tea

cook it for about 3 minutes

add the fresh mint and cook it for about 1 minute

then add the sugar mix it and your tea is ready


Freitag, 26. April 2013

Mi Variation de Paella

Mi variación de Paella:

2 Cebollas
4 dientes de ajo
2 cucharas de jengibre cortado fino
2 Pimientos uno rojo cortado en rayas
0,5 kg de frijoles blancos
0,5 kg de conejo
0,5 kg de pollo
1 kg de mejillones
0,3 kg de sepia
0,5 kg de camarones
1 kg de Arroz (para paella, risotto)
3 - 4 litros de caldo de conejo o pollo o pescado(depende cual sabor te gusta mas)
½ litro de vino blanco

Especias: 3 hilos de azafrán, una cucharilla de curuma, una cucharilla de pimentón negro, 1-2 cucharillas de sal, y chili cuando quieren algo picante,
Puede que necesiten más cantidad de estas especias, yo siempre las añadado a ojo y voy probando ;) también depende de lo fuerte que esté el caldo.

  • Primero como siempre tienen que cortar las verduras y la carne en piezas como quieren y limpian los mejillones y las sepias. Yo prefiero quitar la piel y la cabeza de los camarones, así son más fáciles de comer. Pero dejaremos las cabezas en la paella porque tienen mucho sabor.
  • Primero necesitan una paella grande y empiezamos con aceite, carne y pimenta negra hasta que la carne tenga un color dorado
  • Quitamos la carne de la paella, ahora tenemos que sofreír la sepia unos dos o tres minutos, después añadimos la cebolla, el ajo y el jengibre. Rehogamos esto unos dos minutos
  • Seguimos con los frijoles y las cabezas de los camarones.
  • Ahora añadimos el arroz y lo rehogamos un poquito también.
  • Hechamos el vino blanco y añadimos azafrán, cúrcuma, picante, pimentón, 2 litro de caldo y la carne
  • Esperamos hasta que la paella esté hirviendo.
  • Ahora solamente tenemos que remover
Estamos cerca;),
  • Después de 15 minutos normalmente no queda mas agua
  • Entonces ponemos los ultimos 2 litros de caldo adentro y esperamos hasta que la paella esté hirviendo otra vez y añadimos los camarones, los mejillones y los pimientos. Después de 10 minutos más, pruebamos el arroz.
  • Si el arroz no esta bien hecho, añadimos más agua,

Que aproveche