Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Shaman Tea from Costa Rica

Once while traveling throug costa rica, i was very ill and i met a young shaman, he aksed me if he should come to my place and make a tea for me which will cure my illness.
I was sick of beeing ill so i was happy for this opportunity, he went to a shop and bought all these ingredients and made this tea for me, i was feeling very good afterwards and after one day i was cured. ;)
So if you have a flue, cough or a cold this will help your body to kill the bacterias, you will heat up and sweat all the bad stuff out.
Also the honey is good for your throat, the lime gives you vitamin C.

This tee also will keep you warm during winter and strenghten your immune system.


1 liter of water
6 Spoons of grated ginger
a half hand of fresh mint
4 spoons of honey
juice of one fresh lime

boil up the water

add the grated ginger and bloil it for 30 secounds

then sieve the ginger out of the water, because all the good things are already in the tea, if you cook it longer the will disapear,

if you want the tea stronger add first 6 spoons ginger cook in for about 4 minutes and then add another 4 spoons for 30 secounds.

add the fresh mint the honey and the fresh limejuice

mix it and enjoy

2 Kommentare:

  1. Teache me how to make vodka lemon


  2. finally I know how to do it :D
    you never told me and now you tell it to everyone :P
